I would like to thank you along with PL Custom for providing the City of Keene with its new ambulance. From the very beginning, our relationship with Ron and PL has always been positive. Three years ago we bought our first ambulance from PL and have been very satisfied with it. Having been the person on the committee in charge of specifying what we need, PL has always risen to the expectations of a top notch company.
Our newest ambulance came with challenges not just for us but for PL Custom, as well. The City of Keene not only wanted an ambulance without air ride, we wanted it to meet our load height of 34″. At no time did I ever hear from Ron that it could not be done. Other companies told us they could not do it. PL came back to us with engineered drawings on how they were going to meet our needs. We needed a Terra Star chassis with MOR/ryde suspension, all new to PL. Sloping the rear floor to meet load height, a first for PL. Needing duel controls identical in the patient compartment with all functions, also new for PL. You listened to us, and rose above our needs.
I have had nothing but positive feedback about how the ambulance handles on the road with the MOR/ryde suspension and would highly recommend it to your customers. I would also hope PL would take our design and sell others on the non-air ride setup with the sloped floor. No problems getting a patient in or out. A great design.
Thank you Ron [Morin of Sugarloaf Ambulance/Rescue Vehicles] and Deborah [Thomson, Exec. VP of PL Custom Emergency Vehicles] for your commitment to the customer and again making our interaction with you a positive one.